Inside Bernal Hill
A collaborative project with my rabbit, Dusty.
Will be included in the show HOME at Rootdivision this July

Opening Reception: Saturday, July 14, 7-10pm
Exhibition Dates: July 13-28, 2007
Gallery Hours for the Exhibition: Wednesdays-Saturdays, 12-4 pm (or by appointment)
Gallery 3175 ROOT DIVISION
3175 17th Street (at South Van Ness & Shotwell) San Francisco, CA 94110

In the process of digging a burrow for herself, she has been excavating artifacts from my backyard on the Southeast side of Bernal Hill. I began sifting through the dirt she brought up, and found shattered glass, nails, pottery shards, small toys, beer cans and many, many bones.

In the 1910’s, my entire block was a plant nursery, composed of a series of greenhouses and a large chicken coop. The large amount of shattered window glass I found must be left from the demolition of those greenhouses. The bones are mostly leftover from household garbage. The majority appear to be from chickens, but larger, butchered bones were also found, along with oyster shells, fish bones and a piece of a crab’s claw.